[fil:D] Exhibition

Visual Design

Emotions, stored in human body, can be interpreted as the manifestation of our spiritual power. Spiritual power often fades with the fragments of mundane life; the noisy and trivial daily routine also blurs the ripples of the moments. Many people discard these small perceptions in exchange for accelerating their steps forward. Looking around, it seems that there is nothing worth stopping for in the long time, The concept of Pragmatism, and “Efficiency First” have become the most outstanding traits sought after by modern society. In such a context, Emotions seem to be sluggish, and ambiguous, represents a decadent, atrophied form that is the opposite of the former “wisdom.”
In the black-or-white Cyber community, the appearance of Emotions is often associated with repression and negativity; even topics related to emotional mediation always carry the scrutiny of one side and the shame of the other. When the reconciliation between an individual and the environment is not enough to reach the state of self-pleasure, a short struggle may be exactly the process of internal self-calibration; the emotions derived from this process are transformed into power and eventually integrated into our memory, turning into the undertones of our life.Distinguished from the traditional whiteboard gallery exhibition, this show brought by AvantGene and Garden Books focuses on the combination of FEEL and FIELD, intending to illustrate the spectrum of emotions. The collaborative artists will convey the intriguing moments of life to the audience in an everyday setting.


Exhibited in Chang Le Road #325, Xuhui, Shanghai, China.


NebulaNet: SpaceGlass Product Design


Nike Kinetic Poster